And we reached the end of the month...
This devtober was a really great learning experience, because I was wanting to start to code in unity for over a year but I never took the first step, until this october.
One big thing that I learned to the future is to choose wiselly the game that i'll make on next projects, because I was just remaking a game that is not my favorite style, wich lead me to get bored by the halfh of the month. That and getting pretty busy with my college culminated with me endind up with a unfinished piece.
But, even tho it was unfinished, I'm really happy with the result, because it had a lot of the basics that is necessary for bigger and better projects. So, it ender up becoming more of a exemple of multiples concepts than a game, witch can be really usefull for the future and was a amazing learning experience.
My plan now is to start some mini projects of stuff that I really like, like puzzles and keep learning more about Game Dev!
Tank you for reading! I posted devlogs with all my progress on my twitter account, if you wanna check it out its @_Witch28_
(And sorry for my bad english!)
Get Paranauê Adventures
Paranauê Adventures
My first unity project, it's sort of a remake of a game that I made in python.
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